“Astrid” January Bouquet of the Month


The first bouquet of 2025 is here! Meet Astrid. Named by one of our sweetest friends and longtime supporters, and designed by our shop manager Jas, this arrangement is truly divine. This bunch is full of silvery green foliage, frosty white texture, and delicate hints of purple. Perfect to brighten your home in the frigid winter weeks ahead.

Astrid is available until the end of the month!

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Available until January 31.

Pick-up in our Market St. store or delivery to an address of your choice. Our team will create your bouquet and can deliver on the same day if ordered before noon. Deliveries available 7 days a week, excluding some holidays. Delivery fee included in price listed. Please see our delivery range below. Available in two sizes. Grande is our large size, and Special Occasion is our extra large bouquet.


Please read before purchasing 

– Delivery range includes Chattanooga: Signal Mountain, Lone Oak, Walden, Red Bank, Hixson, St. Elmo, and Downtown Chattanooga, Brainerd, East Ridge. We do not deliver to Cleveland, Ooltewah, Harrison, or Soddy Daisy at this time.

– Live outside our delivery range? Pick-up options are available in our store at 1263 Market St. Monday-Saturday 10AM-6PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM

– We are not responsible and no refunds will be provided for the alterations weather may cause to your arrangement – including heat, wind, and the cold. If you are not home, we will typically leave the bouquet in the shade around the door. We recommend bringing the bouquet in as soon as possible for the longevity of the flowers. If you would like it somewhere else, please let us know in the order notes section.

– If the recipient lives in an apartment complex, works in an office building, or is temporarily staying in a hospital, hotel room, etc., please provide any information that will be helpful for navigation purposes such as room number, floor, parking instructions, or recipient’s phone number if any problems occur. 

– Same day delivery if placed before noon. 

Care of Cut Flowers in an Arrangement

Here are some general rules that will help you make your cut-flower arrangements last:

  • Don’t overcrowd the flowers in the container.
  • Check the water level in the vase and refresh it with clean water frequently.
  • Flowers that go limp and are not drinking well will need to be re-cut.  Cut the stems at a slight angle to maximize their ability to hydrate.
  • Always discard wilted blooms. Some flowers will fade quicker than others, that’s okay! Enjoy the arrangement in all the stages of it’s life.
  • Keep flowers away from drafts, direct sunlight (avoid windows), and ripening fruits, which emit ethylene gas—a substance that causes buds to remain closed, petals to have poor color, and flowers to have a shortened vase life.



Additional information


Grande, Special Occasion